
Despre mine

Informații dezvoltator
Nume hello_world-dot-c
Utilizator din Mai 23, 2016
Numărul de suplimente dezvoltate 0 suplimente
Media evaluărilor suplimentelor dezvoltatorului Neevaluat încă

Recenziile mele


Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele

Essential backup in order to make your emails look professional. Covers pretty much all situations and the author is going the extra mile supporting and improving his addon. Pro license highly recommended!

As long as the author still supports version 60 of TB I'll keep being a loyal user. Can't move away from v60 because they in their glorious wisdom decided to remove full theming support in later versions. Another topic...

Această recenzie este pentru o versiune anterioară a suplimentului (2.9.1).